Frequently Asked Questions
What do acupuncture needles look like?
Acupuncture needles come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The needle is not thick or hollow like a western medicine needle, but very thin, solid, stainless steel. The needles are about the thickness of a few human hairs. Each needle is sterile, individually wrapped, and for one-time-only use.
Does acupuncture hurt?
The needles are extremely thin and placed with precision and care. Most patients describe a slight pinching sensation at insertion followed by nothing or the feeling of a dull heaviness. As we are all individuals, the sensation of acupuncture needles will vary from person to person.
How many sessions will I need?
The length of therapy will also vary from person to person. Each treatment plan is individualized to the clients specific diagnosis and health related goals. As a general rule, chronic problems may require a longer course of therapy than a problem of new onset.
Are there any contraindications to acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a generally safe and effective form of therapy. In pregnancy, there are certain points that should not be used, but treatment during pregnancy is otherwise fine and even advisable for many pregnancy-related issues. Additionally, acupuncture should not be performed upon those under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or those with severe psychotic conditions.
For those undergoing Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, there are a few more contraindications. Those experiencing the following conditions should not receive this type of acupuncture: tendency to bruise or bleed easily, pituitary tumors, high blood pressure, migraines, diabetes mellitus, cancer, AIDS, hepatitis, coronary disease, seizures or epilepsy, dizziness, tinnitus, or those with an acute herpes breakout.